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Wenn du bei der Übersetzung helfen möchtest, kontaktiere bitte das Übersetzungsteam auf dem Discord-Server.
If you would like to help with the translation, please contact the translation team on the Discord server.
Si tu veux aider à la traduction, contacte l'équipe de traduction sur le serveur Discord.

Apart from German, the game itself has only been translated into English so far, so we will concentrate on that for the time being. However, a translation of the manual into other languages is conceivable.

How to help?

You do not have to be a translator. We need helpers who review the German pages, so that the translation process can run more smoothly.

Translation teams

Team Bug
Review and correct German wiki pages before translation.
Should be German native speakers or very good non-natives. Find typos, factual errors, or stylistic weakness.
#Pages Awaiting Review
Team Fey
Mark pages for translation when German wiki is okay using
Should have some degree of technical understanding of the translation process.
Team Hobbit
Translation and review English.
First-pass translators do not have to be excellent English speakers. You can use translation software like deepl, but you should acquire some understanding of technical issues (see links, templates, below).
Reviewers should be native speakers or very good non-natives.


Team Merfolk
Translation and review in French
First-pass translators do not have to be excellent French speakers. You can use translation software like deepl, but you should acquire some understanding of technical issues (see links, templates, below)
Reviewers should be native speakers or very good non-natives.



All in-game translations are listed in this document. Please pay particular attention to this glossary when translating:

Deutsch English Français Bemerkungen
Andere Gebäude special buildings bâtiments spéciaux
Anschwimmen Swimming nager
Ausgaben expenses dépenses
Auswertung turn tour
Einheiten units unités
Einheitenlimit unit(s?) limit limite d'unités
GE GE, weight GE weight unit FR=EN
Geschwindigkeit range portée
Hungerregel starvation famine
Kampfreihe combat row ligne de combat
Konvoi convoy convoi
Magieresistenz Résistance à la Magie
Partei faction faction
Produktion production production
Regeneration Regeneration Régénération
Rohstoffe resources (one s!) ressources
Schiffsreise Sailing Naviguer
Schiffe ships bateaux
Silber silver silver
Straßen roads routes
Talent skill compétences
Talentmodifikatoren racial skill modifiers modificateurs de compétences
Trefferpunkte hit points points de vie
Waffeneigenschaften Weapon characteristics Caractéristiques des armes
Waren items objets
ZAT Due Date Due Date
Zug turn train d'ordres
Zugvorlage move template modèle de train
Hungerregel starvation famine


(In English) capitalize page titles and headings in sentence case (e.g. ==This is a heading==, not ==This is a Heading== or ==this is a heading==). Do not, generally, capitalize anything (skills, page references) in body text.


Links should be [[Special:MyLanguage/GermanPagename|link text]] in general. "link text" should not be capitalized if it does not make sense in the target language. There is an argument to be made to change them to [[GermanPagename/en|link text]] if that page is already translated, or even [[TranslatedPagename]] if that page name is a redirect to [[GermanPagename/en]].


{{weiter|SeitenName}} should be translated as {{weiter|SeitenName|Capitalized translated name}}, for example: {{weiter|Einleitung|Introduction}}.


Rules page should have as their category. This should not be included in the <translation> tags, or, if it is, not translated.


The Sidebar can only be changed by users with editinterface permission. When making changes, Mediawiki:Sidebar-messages, Mediawiki:Sidebar-Überschrift and Special:Translate/wiki-sidebar must also be edited, see Translate-Help.


Revised pages

Finished: Everything up to Ships Awaiting review: Everything from Castles

Pages awaiting review


There seems to be a bug with links to redirections with umlauts resulting in an internal error: Special:MyLanguage/Dämonen