
Aus Eressea
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  • Volatility: All skills with at least one skill level (before racial malus) have a 25% chance of shifting. The skill can lose up to 3 weeks of learning (40%), or rise up to 3 weeks of learning (60%). No skill can ever fall below level 0.
  • Infernal Hunger: Demons eat peasants every turn. Demons that do not receive food (not enough peasants) lose hit points and are subject to skill reduction according to the normal starvation rule.
  • Ethereal Creature: Demons are not recruited from the peasant population (they aren't deducted from the peasant pool). However, the normal recruitment limits still apply for balance reasons.
  • Ethereal Creature: When a demon unit gives away men with GIVE 0, these people are not added to the peasant population in the region.
  • Intrinsic Disguise: Demons can change their appearance to become that of any other player race.
  • Panic: In melee combat, taking a hit from a demon causes panic in the victim. The person receives a modifier of −1 to all combat skills (not the unit).
  • Regeneration: Wounded demons regenerate 7,5% of their hit points per turn.