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Here's a list of all skills units can learn on Eressea.
Here is a list of all skills units can learn in Eressea. This is just a short overview, all details are given in the respective chapters.

:Make [[Special:MyLanguage/Tränke|potions]] from [[Special:MyLanguage/Kräuter|herbs]]. Learning costs 200 Silver per turn and per person. There can be no more than three alchemists per faction.
:Make [[Special:MyLanguage/Tränke|potions]] from [[Special:MyLanguage/Kräuter|herbs]]. Learning costs 200 silver per person. There can be no more than three alchemists per faction.

;Crossbow : Crossbow shooting
:With a crossbow: to fight. With skill taxation: collecting taxes (TAX).
:With a crossbow: fight. With the taxation skill: collect taxes (TAX).

:Makes a unit more resistant to physical damage in combat or due to lack of food (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampftabellen#Ausdauer|Table]]).
:Gives more hit points, making a unit more resistant to damage in combat or due to lack of food (see this [[Special:MyLanguage/Kampftabellen#Ausdauer|table]]).

:To extract iron and laen. You can extract one iron per person, per skill level and per turn. For laen, you need a level 7 skill and a mine.
:Extract iron, laen, or adamantium. You can extract one iron per person and per skill level. For laen and adamantium, you need a skill level of 7 or 8, respectively, and a mine.
:Note that deposits are limited by level (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Rohstoffe|Resources]]). You can only see the amount of iron in the top layer. For prospecting, you can't see more than the layer (mining level*2). If the layer is deeper, you won't see anything.
:Note that deposits are limited by level (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Rohstoffe|resources]]). You can only see the amount of iron in the top layer. For prospecting you can only see layers up to (mining level * 2). If the layer is deeper, you won't see anything.

;Bow :to use a bow
:With a bow: to fight. With skill taxation : collecting taxes (TAX).
:With a bow: fight. With the taxation skill: collect taxes (TAX).

:to build buildings and castles (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Gebäude|Buildings]]).
:Build [[Special:MyLanguage/Gebäude|castles and other buildings]].

:In regions with a castle: buy and sell luxury goods. 10 goods can be traded per person, skill level and turn (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Handel|Trade]] and [[Special:MyLanguage/KAUFE|BUY]]).
:In regions with a castle: buy and sell luxury goods. Per person and skill you can trade 10 goods (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Handel|trade]] and [[Special:MyLanguage/KAUFE|BUY]]).

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:With a "melee" weapon (sword, claymore, axe, laensword): fight. With the taxation skill: collect taxes (TAX).
:Zusammen mit einer Hiebwaffe: kämpfen. Mit Talent Steuereintreiben: Steuern eintreiben.

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:Felling trees to make wood or mallorn (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Rohstoffe#Tief im Wald|resources]]).
:Bäume und Mallorn fällen (siehe [[Special:MyLanguage/Rohstoffe#Tief im Wald|Rohstoffe]]).

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:With a catapult and ammunition: fight. Can't be used to collect taxes.
:Zusammen mit einem Katapult und Katapultmunition: kämpfen. Mit Katapulten kann man keine Steuern eintreiben.

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:Find [[Special:MyLanguage/Kräuter|herbs]] to make [[Special:MyLanguage/Tränke|potions]]. Learning cost is 200 Silver per week. With a high level you can give the orders <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/FORSCHE|RESEARCH HERBS]]</tt>, <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/MACHE|MAKE SEEDS]]</tt> (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Produktion|production]]) and <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/PFLANZE|PLANT]]</tt>. Despite high skill level, you may sometimes find few or no herbs.  
:Finden von [[Special:MyLanguage/Kräuter|Kräutern]] zur Herstellung von [[Special:MyLanguage/Tränke|alchemistischen Tränken]]. Lernen kostet 200 Silber pro Runde und Person. Ab höheren Talentwerten ist auch <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/FORSCHE|FORSCHE KRÄUTER]]</tt>, <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/MACHE|MACHE SAMEN]]</tt> (siehe [[Special:MyLanguage/Produktion|Produktion]]) und <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/PFLANZE|PFLANZE]]</tt> möglich. Trotz hoher Talentwerte kann man durchaus wenige oder gar keine Kräuter finden.

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:This allows you to cast combat spells and other types spells. Learning magic costs [[Special:MyLanguage/Magie|silver]] depending on the level.
:Damit kann man Kampfzauber und andere Zaubersprüche verwenden. Das Lernen von Magie kostet je nach Stufe pro Person und Runde [[Special:MyLanguage/Magie|Silber]].

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:This skill is required to get [[Special:MyLanguage/Pferd und Wagen|horses]]. It can be used in two ways:
:Das Talent wird benötigt um an [[Special:MyLanguage/Pferd und Wagen|Pferde]] zu gelangen. Man kann es auf zwei Arten anwenden:
:* With <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/MACHE|MAKE]] [''amount''] horse</tt> a unit captures horses present in the region, at a rate of one horse per person and per level of taming skill.
:* Mit <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/MACHE|MACHE]] [''anzahl''] Pferd</tt> fängt man Pferde aus der Region und zwar 1 Pferd pro Person und Talentstufe Pferdedressur. Natürlich maximal soviele Pferde wie in der Region sind.
:* With <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/ZÜCHTE|GROW HORSES]]</tt> you can reproduce horses from existing horses, but you must be in a [[Special:MyLanguage/Pferdezucht|stable]].
:* Mit <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/ZÜCHTE|ZÜCHTE PFERDE]]</tt> kann man aus bestehenden Pferden neue züchten, dazu muss man sich jedoch in einer [[Special:MyLanguage/Pferdezucht|Pferdezucht]] befinden.
:Zusammen mit einem [[Special:MyLanguage/Pferd und Wagen|Pferd]]: Ab Reiten 1 schnellere Bewegung, ab Reiten 2 Pferdebonus im Kampf. Pro Person und Talentstufe können vier Pferde (und ein weiteres pro Person) geführt oder zwei Pferde geritten werden.

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:With a [[Special:MyLanguage/Pferd und Wagen|horse]]: Strting from riding 1 faster movement; starting from riding 2 you may get the cavalry bonus in combat. Walk with (4 x riding level) + 1 horses or ride with (2 x riding level) horses.
:Bau von Rüstungen aus Eisen und Laen (siehe [[Special:MyLanguage/Waren|Waren]]).

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:Produce iron, laen, and adamantium armour (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Waren|items]]).
:Bau und Reparatur von Schiffen aus Holz (siehe [[Special:MyLanguage/Schiffe|Schiffe]]).

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:Construct and repair ships with wood (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Schiffe|ships]]).
:Zusammen mit einem Schiff: ermöglicht Segeln. Alle Personen auf dem Schiff mit dem Segeln Talent zählen als Matrosen.

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:With a ship: allows you to sail. All units on the ship with sailing skill count as crew.
:Wird benötigt um den Befehl <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/SPIONIERE|SPIONIERE]]</tt> anzuwenden und damit an Informationen über Einheiten anderer Parteien zu bekommen die normalerweise nicht sichtbar sind (Talente, wahre Parteizugehörigkeit...). Spionage lernen kostet 100 Silber pro Person und Woche.

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:Necessary to use the order <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/SPIONIERE|SPY]]</tt> and thus obtain secret information about units of other factions (skills, true belonging to a faction, ...). Learning espionage costs 100 silver per person per week.
:Zusammen mit einer Stangenwaffe: kämpfen. Mit Talent Steuereintreiben: Steuern eintreiben.

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:With a polearm (spear, mallorn spear, lance, mallorn lance, halberd): fight. With the taxation skill: collect taxes (TAX).
:Steine und Katapultmunition (ab Talentstufe 3) produzieren. Pro Person, Talentstufe und Runde kann ein Stein gemacht werden.
:Man beachte, daß die Vorkommen pro Stufe begrenzt sind (siehe [[Special:MyLanguage/Rohstoffe#Vom Bergbau|Rohstoffe]]). Man sieht immer nur, wieviele Steine auf der obersten Schicht liegt. Wenn bis zu einer Tiefe von (Talentstufe Steinbau*2) keine Steine mehr vorkommen, sieht man kein eventuelles Steinvorkommen.

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:Produce stones and catapult ammunition (with at least level 3). One stone can be made per person and skill level.
:Von den Bauern Steuern eintreiben. Pro Talentstufe und bewaffneter (und an dieser Waffe ausgebildete) Person können Einheiten 20 Silber von den Bauern eintreiben.
:Note that deposits are limited by level (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Rohstoffe#Vom Bergbau|resources]]). You can only see the number of stones in the top layer. If there are no stones in the layer (skill level * 2), you can't see anything.
:Dieses Talent steigt nicht durch Anwendung, ebensowenig das entsprechende Waffentalent.

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:Collect taxes from peasants. Per skill level and per person armed and trained with a weapon, units can collect 20 silver from peasants.
:Bau von Straßen aus Steinen. Pro Person, Talentstufe und Runde kann ein Stein verbaut werden. (siehe [[Special:MyLanguage/Straßen|Straßen]])
:This skill does not increase when used, nor does the corresponding weapon skill.

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:Building [[Special:MyLanguage/Straßen|roads]] from stones. One stone can be built per person and skill level.
:Bei einem Kampf hat die Seite mit dem besten Taktiker eine Attacke frei. Lernen kostet 200 Silber pro Runde und Person (siehe [[Special:MyLanguage/Musterung|Musterung]]).

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:In combat, the side with the best tactician has extra attacks (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Musterung|mustering]]). Learning costs 200 silver per person.
:Die Einheit ist immer getarnt und nur für Einheiten mit gleichem oder größeren Wahrnehmungstalent sichtbar. Erfolgreich getarnte Einheiten können andere Einheiten [[Special:MyLanguage/BEKLAUE|beklauen]] und [[Special:MyLanguage/BEWACHE|Bewachungen]] umgehen.

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:The unit is always cloaked and only visible to units with the same or greater perception skill. Successfully camouflaged units can [[Special:MyLanguage/BEKLAUE|steal]] or thwart [[Special:MyLanguage/BEWACHE|guarding]] units.
:Unterhaltung der Bauern. Falls die Bauern genügend Geld haben, kann pro Person, Talentstufe und Runde 20 Silber verdient werden.

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:Entertain the peasants. If the peasants have enough silver, units can earn 20 silver per person and skill level.
:Bau von Waffen aus Eisen, Laen oder Holz (siehe [[Special:MyLanguage/Waren|Waren]]).

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;Waffenloser Kampf
:Produce weapons from wood and metals (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Waren|items]]).
:Spielerrassen können dieses Talent nicht lernen. Es ist nur für Monster und andere Spezialrassen verfügbar.

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;Unarmed combat
:Player races cannot learn this skill. It is only available for monsters and other special races where it works like a close combat skill without a weapon.
:Bau von Wagen und Katapulten aus Holz. Pro Person, Talentstufe und Runde kann aus 5 Holz ein Wagen gebaut werden, Katapulte benötigen Wagenbau 5 und 10 Holz.

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:Construction of carts and catapults from wood. A cart can be built with 5 wood. A unit can make 1 cart per person and skill level, a catapult requires level 5 and 10 wood.
:Die Einheit ist immer auf der Ausschau nach getarnten Einheiten. Dadurch kann man z.B. Dieben "vorbeugen" (siehe [[Special:MyLanguage/Talente#Wahrnehmung, Tarnung und Spionage|Talente]]).

:The unit is always on the lookout for camouflaged units. For example this allows you to prevent theft (see [[Special:MyLanguage/Wahrnehmung|perception]]).

Aktuelle Version vom 11. April 2024, 12:33 Uhr


Here is a list of all skills units can learn in Eressea. This is just a short overview, all details are given in the respective chapters.

Make potions from herbs. Learning costs 200 silver per person. There can be no more than three alchemists per faction.
With a crossbow: fight. With the taxation skill: collect taxes (TAX).
Gives more hit points, making a unit more resistant to damage in combat or due to lack of food (see this table).
Extract iron, laen, or adamantium. You can extract one iron per person and per skill level. For laen and adamantium, you need a skill level of 7 or 8, respectively, and a mine.
Note that deposits are limited by level (see resources). You can only see the amount of iron in the top layer. For prospecting you can only see layers up to (mining level * 2). If the layer is deeper, you won't see anything.
With a bow: fight. With the taxation skill: collect taxes (TAX).
Build castles and other buildings.
In regions with a castle: buy and sell luxury goods. Per person and skill you can trade 10 goods (see trade and BUY).
With a "melee" weapon (sword, claymore, axe, laensword): fight. With the taxation skill: collect taxes (TAX).
Felling trees to make wood or mallorn (see resources).
With a catapult and ammunition: fight. Can't be used to collect taxes.
Find herbs to make potions. Learning cost is 200 Silver per week. With a high level you can give the orders RESEARCH HERBS, MAKE SEEDS (see production) and PLANT. Despite high skill level, you may sometimes find few or no herbs.
This allows you to cast combat spells and other types spells. Learning magic costs silver depending on the level.
This skill is required to get horses. It can be used in two ways:
  • With MAKE [amount] horse a unit captures horses present in the region, at a rate of one horse per person and per level of taming skill.
  • With GROW HORSES you can reproduce horses from existing horses, but you must be in a stable.
With a horse: Strting from riding 1 faster movement; starting from riding 2 you may get the cavalry bonus in combat. Walk with (4 x riding level) + 1 horses or ride with (2 x riding level) horses.
Produce iron, laen, and adamantium armour (see items).
Construct and repair ships with wood (see ships).
With a ship: allows you to sail. All units on the ship with sailing skill count as crew.
Necessary to use the order SPY and thus obtain secret information about units of other factions (skills, true belonging to a faction, ...). Learning espionage costs 100 silver per person per week.
With a polearm (spear, mallorn spear, lance, mallorn lance, halberd): fight. With the taxation skill: collect taxes (TAX).
Produce stones and catapult ammunition (with at least level 3). One stone can be made per person and skill level.
Note that deposits are limited by level (see resources). You can only see the number of stones in the top layer. If there are no stones in the layer (skill level * 2), you can't see anything.
Collect taxes from peasants. Per skill level and per person armed and trained with a weapon, units can collect 20 silver from peasants.
This skill does not increase when used, nor does the corresponding weapon skill.
Building roads from stones. One stone can be built per person and skill level.
In combat, the side with the best tactician has extra attacks (see mustering). Learning costs 200 silver per person.
The unit is always cloaked and only visible to units with the same or greater perception skill. Successfully camouflaged units can steal or thwart guarding units.
Entertain the peasants. If the peasants have enough silver, units can earn 20 silver per person and skill level.
Produce weapons from wood and metals (see items).
Unarmed combat
Player races cannot learn this skill. It is only available for monsters and other special races where it works like a close combat skill without a weapon.
Construction of carts and catapults from wood. A cart can be built with 5 wood. A unit can make 1 cart per person and skill level, a catapult requires level 5 and 10 wood.
The unit is always on the lookout for camouflaged units. For example this allows you to prevent theft (see perception).

Continue reading: Stealth