
Aus Eressea
Version vom 21. Februar 2024, 11:39 Uhr von Vachalet (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Insects also receive an additional bonus to the Tactics skill when they appear en masse. An insect tactician receives a bonus of log10(number of fighters in his army)-1 to Tactics. This can also result in a penalty if there are very few fighters! Important: Only the fighters in your army really count. Different groups should therefore be avoided and the troops of alliance partners do not count either.“)
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Before the battle, the best tactician of all participating units is determined. The side with the best tactician wins the so-called "tactician round": in a skilful manoeuvre, he lures the enemy into an ambush and his allies can strike unexpectedly with a certain chance before the first round of battle, without the enemy being able to attack in this round. If two or more tacticians from different sides are equally good, all of them can strike in the tactician round. The chance of making this strike is 10% for every skill point difference between your best tactician and the best tactician on the other side, including bonuses or penalties. From a talent difference of 10, all allies strike once. The tactician round also counts for reloading, so a crossbow that has fired in the tactician round shoots a second time in round 3 instead of round 4. The tactician round also allows an additional escape attempt.

Tactical bonuses depending on the situation

A Tactician who is fighting in the first row receives a +1 bonus to his Tactics skill. If he is in the 3rd or 4th row, his skill is reduced by 1.

There are also some racial bonuses to the Tactics skill that depend on the terrain:

Race Terrain Bonus/Malus
Elf Forest +2
Dwarf Mountain, Glacier +1
Insect Swamps, Desert +1
Mountain, Glacier -1

Insects also receive an additional bonus to the Tactics skill when they appear en masse. An insect tactician receives a bonus of log10(number of fighters in his army)-1 to Tactics. This can also result in a penalty if there are very few fighters! Important: Only the fighters in your army really count. Different groups should therefore be avoided and the troops of alliance partners do not count either.

Anzahl Kämpfer 1-9 10-99 100-999 1000-9.999 10.000-99.999 100.000-999.999 ...
Massenbonus -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 ...


Um ein wenig "Tagesform" und Glück einfließen zu lassen, erhält jeder Taktiker einen zufälligen Bonus, der bei 0 startet und sehr groß werden kann, wobei die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür immer geringer wird, je größer der Bonus ist. Besteht eine Taktiker-Einheit aus mehreren Personen, so wird für jede Person einmal gewürfelt.

Wahrscheinlichkeit Bonus Sonstiges
40% +0
30% +1
20% +2
7% +3
3% +3 nochmal würfeln

Daraus ergeben sich je nach Taktikeranzahl folgende mittleren Tagesform-Boni:

Anzahl Taktiker 1 3 12 44 129 410 1480
Mittlerer Bonus 1,03 1,96 3,05 4,03 5,03 6,03 7,03

Das bedeutet 12 Taktiker Stufe X erreichen im Mittel die gleiche Stufe wie ein Taktiker Stufe X+2. Man kann also (auch) bei Taktikern fehlende Klasse durch Masse ersetzen, allerdings wird es relativ schnell sehr teuer.