Translations:Liste der Talente/14/en

Aus Eressea
Version vom 28. Februar 2024, 12:48 Uhr von Vachalet (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „;Taming :This skill is required to get horses. It can be used in two ways: :* With <tt>MAKE [''amount''] horse</tt>, a unit captures horses present in the region, at a rate of one horse per person and per level of taming skill. Of course, a maximum of as many horses as there are in the region. :* With <tt>GROW HORSES</tt> you can reproduce horses from existi…“)
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This skill is required to get horses. It can be used in two ways:
  • With MAKE [amount] horse, a unit captures horses present in the region, at a rate of one horse per person and per level of taming skill. Of course, a maximum of as many horses as there are in the region.
  • With GROW HORSES you can reproduce horses from existing horses, but you must be in a stable.
With a horse : From riding 1, faster movement, from riding 2, cavalry bonus in combat. Per person and skill level, it is possible to lead (4 x riding level)+1 horses or ride (2 x riding level) horses.