Benutzer Diskussion:Solthar
Hab mal wieder 'was fabriziert. Beim Starten von Magellan geht ein Fenster auf aber nichts ist drinn..
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.326: Start writing error file with encoding ISO8859_1, log level INFO
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.326: This is Magellan Version 2.0.4 (build 342)
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.342: OS: Windows Vista x86 6.0
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.342: Java Version: 1.6.0_13 Sun Microsystems Inc.
Wed Jul 29 15:44:42 CEST 2009
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.342: Java Spec: 1.6 Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Platform API Specification
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.342: VM Version: 11.3-b02 Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.342: VM Specification: 1.0 Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Virtual Machine Specification
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.357: Java Class Version: 50.0
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.482: Client.loadSettings: successfully loaded E:\ERESSEA\Magellan II\.\magellan.ini
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.482: GUI locale: dede, orders locale: dede
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.638: MagellanLookAndfeel.setLookAndFeel(Windows): class magellan.client.swing.MagellanLookAndFeel$MagLookAndFeelWrapper, Windows, Windows
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.669: Searching for magellan plugins...
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.669: Searching E:\ERESSEA\Magellan II\magellan-client.jar...
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.685: Searching E:\ERESSEA\Magellan II\.\magellan-plugins.jar...
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.685: Found magellan.plugin.MagellanMapEditPlugIn
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.700: Found magellan.plugin.extendedcommands.ExtendedCommandsPlugIn
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.700: Found magellan.plugin.groupeditor.GroupEditorPlugIn
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.700: Searching for magellan plugins done. Found 3 instances in 31 msecs
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.700: Initializing resources for prefix...'mapedit_'
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.716: Searching resources in E:\ERESSEA\Magellan II\.\etc
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.716: Load resource '' as default
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.716: Load resource '' as de
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.716: MapEdit initialized...(client)
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.716: Initializing resources for prefix...'extendedcommands_'
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.716: Searching resources in E:\ERESSEA\Magellan II\.\etc
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.732: Load resource '' as default
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.732: Load resource '' as de
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.732: Reading XML E:\ERESSEA\Magellan II\.\extendedcommands.xml
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.778: Found 0 unitcontainer commands
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:42.778: Found 0 unit commands
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.012: ExtendedCommands initialized...(Client)
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.012: Initializing resources for prefix...'groupeditor_'
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.012: Searching resources in E:\ERESSEA\Magellan II\.\etc
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.012: Load resource '' as default
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.012: Load resource '' as de
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.044: GroupEditor initialized...(Client)
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.044: Searching for additional renderers...
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.075: Checking magellan-client.jar...Nothing found!
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.090: Checking magellan-help.jar...Nothing found!
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.090: Checking magellan-library.jar...Nothing found!
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.090: Checking magellan-plugins.jar...Nothing found!
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.090: Searching for additional renderers done. Found 0 instances in 46 msecs
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.808: Checking for dock-providers...(MagellanPlugIns)
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.808: Bad rectangle: Client
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.839: Bad rectangle: Client
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:43.917: Loading Docking Layouts
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:44.307: Found 1 Docking layouts.
(WW) 29.07.2009 15:44:44.307: Lade Layout Standard
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:44.307: Loaded 1 Docking layouts.
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:44.728: Checking for menu-providers...
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:44.744: Checking for menu-providers...(MagellanPlugIns)
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:45.087: Loading report E:\ERESSEA\
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:45.352: setOwner of Report to: Dodo Liga (dodo)
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:45.368: Layers updated with translation 0,0 for Dodo Liga (dodo)
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:45.368: Done reading.
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:45.368: start GameData postProcess
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:45.415: finished GameData postProcess
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:45.415: starting calculation of coasts
(II) 29.07.2009 15:44:45.430: finished calculation of coasts, found 17 coasts.
Noch ein bischen herumprobiert:
- Löschung der aktuellen und laden einer alte magellan.ini behebt das Problem.
- Tritt wieder auf nachdem mit einem recht großen Merge verschiedener Parteien (E2) gearbeitet wurde.
- Da müsste ich evtl. mal die neue und die alte magellan.ini haben --Solthar