
Aus Eressea
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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Waren und die Übersetzung ist zu 89 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Production of items

Finished products can be manufactured in any quantity. The only limits are, on the one hand, the raw materials available and, on the other, the number and skill level of the persons making the products.

The following table shows the items available on Eressea. They can only be produced if the unit has the corresponding skill at a sufficiently high level. The total of the skill levels is always divided by the skill level required to produce these items (see these examples). The same applies to raw materials! A miner with a 4 mine in a region with "20 iron/4" can extract 4 iron per turn (and not just 1 iron).

Weight, skill and raw material requirements
*) Laen and adamantium require a mine for extraction.
**) Elven bows can only be crafted by elves.
Item in german Item Weight Skill min. raw material
Silber Silver 0,01 -/- -/- -/-
Juwelen gem 1 TRADE 1 -/-
Weihrauch incense 2 TRADE 1 -/-
Balsam balm 2 TRADE 1 -/-
Gewürz spice 2 TRADE 1 -/-
Myrrhe myrrh 2 TRADE 1 -/-
Öl oil 3 TRADE 1 -/-
Seide silk 3 TRADE 1 -/-
Kräuter Herbs 0 Herbalism 1 -/-
Samen seed 0,1 Herbalism 3 -/-
Mallornsamen mallorn seed 0,1 Herbalism 4 -/-
Eisen iron 5 Mining 1 -/-
Laen* Laen* 2 Mining 7 -/-
Adamantium* adamantium* 2 Mining 8 -/-
Holz wood 5 Forestry 1 -/-
Mallorn mallorn 5 Forestry 2 -/-
Stein stone 60 Quarrying 1 -/-
Pferd horse 50 Taming 1 -/-
Wagen Cart 40 Cartmaking 1 5 wood
Katapult Catapult 100 Cartmaking 5 10 wood
Katapultmunition Ammunition 10 Quarrying 3 1 stone
Schwert Sword 1 Weaponsmithing 3 1 iron
Laenschwert Laen sword 1 Weaponsmithing 8 1 Laen
Bihänder Claymore 2 Weaponsmithing 4 2 iron
Speer Spear 1 Weaponsmithing 2 1 wood
Mallornspeer Mallorn spear 1 Weaponsmithing 5 1 Mallorn
Lanze Lance 2 Weaponsmithing 2 2 wood
Mallornlanze Mallorn lance 1 Weaponsmithing 5 2 Mallorn
Hellebarde Halberd 2 Weaponsmithing 3 1 iron, 2 wood
Kriegsaxt Axe 2 Weaponsmithing 3 1 iron, 1 wood
Adamantiumaxt Adamantium axe 1 Weaponsmithing 8 1 Adamantium, 1 wood
Armbrust Crossbow 1 Weaponsmithing 3 1 wood
Mallornarmbrust Mallorn crossbow 1 Weaponsmithing 5 1 Mallorn
Bogen Bow 1 Weaponsmithing 2 1 wood
Mallornbogen Mallorn bow 1 Weaponsmithing 5 1 Mallorn
Elfenbogen** Elven bow ** 1 Weaponsmithing 5 2 Mallorn
Kettenhemd Chainmail 2 Armoursmithing 3 3 iron
Laenkettenhemd Laenmail 1 Armoursmithing 9 3 Laen
Plattenpanzer Platemail 4 Armoursmithing 4 5 iron
Adamantiumrüstung Adamantium Platemail 1 Armoursmithing 10 3 Adamantium
Schild Shield 1 Armoursmithing 2 1 iron
Laenschild Laen shield 0 Armoursmithing 7 1 Laen
Tränke Potions 0 Alchemy 2 Herbs
E3AWeitere Waren nur E3
Gegenstand Gewicht Talent mind. Rohstoffe
Streitross 50 Pferdedressur 4 1 Eisen, 1 Pferd, 200 Silber
Repetierarmbrust 2 Waffenbau 5 1 Eisen, 1 Holz
Schuppenpanzer 3 Rüstungsbau 5 2 Eisen
Turmschild 2 Rüstungsbau 4 1 Eisen

See also

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