Translations:Andere Gebäude/14/en

Aus Eressea
Version vom 24. Februar 2024, 08:31 Uhr von Vachalet (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „1 human unit for 2 persons level 4. They produce 8 iron and subtract 8 iron on the region stock. In a mine the same unit, produce 10 iron (4+1*2) and subtract only 5 iron (10/2). 2 dwarfs level 4. They produce 8 iron and subtract 5 iron on the region stock (special dwarves ability 60%). In the mine, the same dwarven unit, produce 10 iron (4+1*2) and subtract only 3 iron (10*60%/2).“)
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1 human unit for 2 persons level 4. They produce 8 iron and subtract 8 iron on the region stock. In a mine the same unit, produce 10 iron (4+1*2) and subtract only 5 iron (10/2). 2 dwarfs level 4. They produce 8 iron and subtract 5 iron on the region stock (special dwarves ability 60%). In the mine, the same dwarven unit, produce 10 iron (4+1*2) and subtract only 3 iron (10*60%/2).