Main Page

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This page is a translated version of the page Hauptseite and the translation is 100% complete.
Welcome to Eressea!
In this wiki, we collect information for Eressea players.
The English version of the Wiki is under construction! If you'd like to help, please see the Eressea:Translating page or join our Discord server.

What is here?

Noteworthy Pages

List of games


This is the main game that has been running since 1996. Since there were some rules changes in 2000, it is known as "The Second Age", or E2 for short.


On June 24th, 2009 the Third Age of Eressea started. The Third Age is a new world with a lot of rules changes. Less micro management and a clearer profile for races where the main design goals. The game ended on August 11, 2019 after 517 turns.


On April 19, 2014 a new game called Deveron for Enno's Patreons. The world started with E3 rules, but was supposed to be subject to further changes. It ended with turn 243 on March 2, 2019.


A game started by Solthar in 2017 that featured E3 rules with a few tweaks and 3 turns per week.

External Links


Everybody can edit the wiki - that's how it works. Unfortunately, there are only a few active contributors in the Eressea wiki. If you see an error, please read the following notes for correcting it: