Translations:Burg/5/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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clarified: you only get a share of the sales other player's make, not of the money the spend buying goods
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A larger castle improves the population's income: all workers and peasants receive a bonus when they work, which depends on the size of the largest castle in a region (see also [[#overview|bottom table]]), and the owner of the largest castle receives a share of the profit when other players sell goods.
A larger castle improves the population's income: all workers and peasants receive a bonus when they work, which depends on the size of the largest castle in a region (see also the [[#overview|summary table]]), and the owner of the largest castle receives a share of the profit when other players sell trade goods.

Aktuelle Version vom 12. März 2024, 11:38 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Burg)
Eine größere Burg verbessert die Versorgung der Bevölkerung: Alle Arbeiter und Bauern profitieren beim Arbeiten von einem Bonus, der davon abhängt, wie groß die größte Burg in einer Region ist (siehe auch [[#übersicht|Übersichtstabelle]]), außerdem bekommt die Besitzereinheit der größten Burg einen Anteil von den Erlösen der Verkäufe anderer Spieler.

A larger castle improves the population's income: all workers and peasants receive a bonus when they work, which depends on the size of the largest castle in a region (see also the summary table), and the owner of the largest castle receives a share of the profit when other players sell trade goods.