Translations:Reisen/6/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „If the cargo (including any passengers) is too heavy for a unit or ship, it cannot move. The total weight of the transported units and their goods and equipment, including silver, is checked against the carrying capacity (check this table to find out the weight of items).“
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
If the cargo (including any passengers) is too heavy for a unit or ship, it cannot move. The total weight of the transported units and their goods and equipment, including silver, is checked against the carrying capacity (check [[Special:MyLanguage/Waren|this]] table to find out the weight of items).
If the cargo (including any passengers) is too heavy for a unit or ship, it cannot move. The total weight of the transported units and their goods and equipment, including silver, is checked against the carrying capacity (check [[Special:MyLanguage/Waren|this table]] to find out the weight of items).

Aktuelle Version vom 1. März 2024, 18:22 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Reisen)
Wenn eine Einheit oder ein Schiff zu schwer beladen ist, können sie sich nicht fortbewegen. Dazu wird das Gesamtgewicht der zu transportierenden Einheit samt mitgeführten Waren und Silber mit der Tragekapazität verglichen (siehe [[Special:MyLanguage/Waren|diese Tabelle]] für die Gewichte).

If the cargo (including any passengers) is too heavy for a unit or ship, it cannot move. The total weight of the transported units and their goods and equipment, including silver, is checked against the carrying capacity (check this table to find out the weight of items).