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Schillmueller (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „On land, it is possible to travel a distance of one region, so a unit can more from one region to the next. If the unit has enough horses and the skill Horse-riding, it can travel one region further. If the regions are connecet by road, it is possible to move up to two regions on foot or even up to three regions on horseback.“
Schillmueller (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
On land, it is possible to travel a distance of one region, so a unit can more from one region to the next. If the unit has enough horses and the skill Horse-riding, it can travel one region further. If the regions are connecet by road, it is possible to move up to two regions on foot or even up to three regions on horseback.
On land, it is possible to travel a distance of one region, so a unit can more from one region to the next. If the unit has enough horses and the Riding skill, it can travel one region further. If the regions are connected by road, it is possible to move up to two regions on foot or even up to three regions on horseback.

Aktuelle Version vom 28. Februar 2024, 15:29 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Reisen)
In jeder Runde kann man zu Land eine Region weit gehen. Hat eine Einheit genug Pferde und hat sie das Talent Reiten, so kommt sie eine Region weiter als zu Fuß. Sind die aneinanderliegenden Regionen durch Straßen verbunden, können sich die Einheiten zu Fuß bis zu 2 Regionen und zu Pferd bis zu 3 Regionen weit bewegen.

On land, it is possible to travel a distance of one region, so a unit can more from one region to the next. If the unit has enough horses and the Riding skill, it can travel one region further. If the regions are connected by road, it is possible to move up to two regions on foot or even up to three regions on horseback.