Translations:Burg/4/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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The castle protects the people inside
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Units in castles are protected, namely one person is protected per size unit of the castle. Only the protected persons benefit from the bonus that a castle gives its occupants in the event of a raid (for more information, see the [[Special:MyLanguage/Krieg|war]] chapter, in particular the list of [[Special:MyLanguage/Boni und Mali|bonuses and penalties]]). Each size unit of the castle requires a stone.
Units in a castle are protected by its walls, namely one person is protected per size unit of the castle. Only the protected persons benefit from the bonus that a castle gives its occupants in the event of a raid (for more information, see the [[Special:MyLanguage/Krieg|war]] chapter, in particular the list of [[Special:MyLanguage/Boni und Mali|bonuses and penalties]]). Each size unit of the castle requires a stone.

Aktuelle Version vom 28. Februar 2024, 13:48 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Burg)
Einheiten in Burgen werden von dieser geschützt, und zwar wird pro Größeneinheit der Burg eine Person geschützt. Nur die geschützten Personen profitieren bei einem Überfall vom Bonus, den eine Burg den Insassen verleiht (weiteres hierzu siehe Kapitel [[Special:MyLanguage/Krieg|Krieg]], insbesondere die Liste der [[Special:MyLanguage/Boni und Mali|Boni und Mali]]). Jeder Größenpunkt der Burg benötigt einen Stein.

Units in a castle are protected by its walls, namely one person is protected per size unit of the castle. Only the protected persons benefit from the bonus that a castle gives its occupants in the event of a raid (for more information, see the war chapter, in particular the list of bonuses and penalties). Each size unit of the castle requires a stone.