Translations:Burg/7/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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adjusted the translation to closer reflect the German text
Keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
* The unit "Thor's Builders" has 20 persons with Masonry level 1 and 100 stones. Due to its skill level and the number of people in the unit, it has 20 production points which allows it to increase a castle's size by a number dependent on the required level for the castle.
* The unit "Thor's Builders" has 20 persons with masonry level 1 and 100 stones. Due to its skill level and the number of people in the unit, it has 20 production points which allows it to increase a castle's size by a number dependent on the required level for the castle.
* When this unit starts to build a new castle, it can build 10 size units on the first turn: for the foundations and the tradepost, the required level in Masonry is 1; to build 1 size unit, 1 production point is required, so the unit first builds the tradepost up to size 10, which makes this building a fortification. There are then 10 production points left, but they are lost because the minimum Masonry level required for fortifications is 2.
* When this unit starts to build a new castle, it can build 10 size units on the first turn: for the foundations and the tradepost, the required level in masonry is 1; to build 1 size unit, 1 production point is required, so the unit first builds the tradepost up to size 10, which makes this building a fortification. There are then 10 production points left, but they are lost because the minimum masonry level required for fortifications is 2.
* If the unit has a level 2 in Masonry, it starts with 40 production points, 10 are needed for fortification. It will then use the remaining 30 production points to improve the fortification in the same turn. However, a minimum skill of 2 also means that 2 production points must be spent per stone. So, the fortification is increased by 15 stones and a size 25 fortification will have been built at the end of the week.
* If the unit has a level 2 in masonry, it starts with 40 skill points; 10 are needed for the fortification. It will then use the remaining 30 points to improve the fortification in the same turn. However, a minimum skill of 2 also means that 2 production points must be spent per stone. So, the fortification is increased by 15 stones and a size 25 fortification will have been built at the end of the week.
* With skill level 2, builders will, in 2 additional weeks, enlarge the fortification to size 50, creating a tower. They will not be able to enlarge the tower, through, due to the new required minimum level of 3.
* With skill level 2, builders will, in 2 additional weeks, enlarge the fortification to size 50, creating a tower. They will not be able to enlarge the tower, though, due to the new required minimum level of 3.

Aktuelle Version vom 12. März 2024, 11:43 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Burg)
* Die Einheit "Thors Baumeister", die aus 20 Leuten besteht, welche mit dem Burgenbautalent 1 arbeiten und 100 Steine haben, verfügt aufgrund ihrer Talentstufe und der Personenzahl über 20 Produktionspunkte, mit denen, abhängig vom nötigen Mindesttalent, unterschiedlich viele Steine verbaut werden können.
* Wenn diese Einheit beginnt, eine neue Burg zu errichten, kann sie in der ersten Runde 10 Steine verbauen: für Grundmauern und Handelsposten liegt das Mindesttalent bei 1; um einen Stein zu verbauen, wird ein Produktionspunkt benötigt, die Einheit baut also erstmal den Handelsposten bis zur Größe 10 aus, womit das Gebäude zur Befestigung wird. Nun sind noch 10 Produktionspunkte übrig, aufgrund des nun nötigen Mindestbautalents von 2 für Befestigungen verfallen diese jedoch.
* Hat die Einheit ein Burgenbautalent der Stufe 2, beginnt sie mit 40 Produktionspunkten, von denen wieder 10 für den Ausbau des Handelspostens zur Befestigung benötigt werden. Jetzt kann sie aber die verbleibenden 30 Produktionspunkte für den Ausbau der Befestigung noch in der gleichen Runde nutzen. Allerdings bedeutet ein Mindesttalent von 2 auch, dass pro Stein 2 Produktionspunkte aufzuwenden sind. Somit wächst die Befestigung um 15 Steine und insgesamt entsteht in einer Runde eine Befestigung der Größe 25.
* Mit dem Talentwert 2 werden die Baumeister innerhalb von weiteren 2 Runden die Befestigung bis zur Größe 50 ausbauen, wodurch ein Turm entsteht, den sie wegen des damit notwendigen Mindesttalentwerts von 3 nicht erweitern können.
  • The unit "Thor's Builders" has 20 persons with masonry level 1 and 100 stones. Due to its skill level and the number of people in the unit, it has 20 production points which allows it to increase a castle's size by a number dependent on the required level for the castle.
  • When this unit starts to build a new castle, it can build 10 size units on the first turn: for the foundations and the tradepost, the required level in masonry is 1; to build 1 size unit, 1 production point is required, so the unit first builds the tradepost up to size 10, which makes this building a fortification. There are then 10 production points left, but they are lost because the minimum masonry level required for fortifications is 2.
  • If the unit has a level 2 in masonry, it starts with 40 skill points; 10 are needed for the fortification. It will then use the remaining 30 points to improve the fortification in the same turn. However, a minimum skill of 2 also means that 2 production points must be spent per stone. So, the fortification is increased by 15 stones and a size 25 fortification will have been built at the end of the week.
  • With skill level 2, builders will, in 2 additional weeks, enlarge the fortification to size 50, creating a tower. They will not be able to enlarge the tower, though, due to the new required minimum level of 3.