Translations:Burg/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Castles increase the peasants' incomes, make it possible to trade luxury goods and, finally, offer their occupants protection in the event of attack. They also reduce the likelihood of [[Special:MyLanguage/Pest|plagues]]. Castles are built from stone using the [[Special:MyLanguage/MACHE|MAKE CASTLE]] command and the Masonry skill. The size at which a castle enters a new category is shown in the table below. The larger the castle, the more difficult it is to expand it further. To continue building a castle, you need at least the Masonry skill at the required level.
Castles increase the peasants' income, enable trade luxury goods and, finally, offer their occupants protection in the event of an attack. They also reduce the likelihood of [[Special:MyLanguage/Pest|plagues]]. Castles are built from stone using the <tt>[[Special:MyLanguage/MACHE|MAKE CASTLE]]</tt> command and the masonry skill. The size at which a castle enters a new category is shown in the table below. The larger the castle, the more difficult it is to expand it further. To continue building a castle, you need the masonry skill at the required level.
Each unit has production points (PP) each turn: (skill level) x (number of persons).  
Each week, the unit will extend the building by (total skill) / (skill level required) using the same amount of stones.
Each week, the unit will extend the building by PP/(skill level required) stones. The necessary stones must also be available.
You can easily build a tower in a week with a sufficiently large and skilled unit and enough stones.
You can easily build a tower in a week with a sufficiently large and skilled unit and enough stones.

Aktuelle Version vom 12. März 2024, 11:36 Uhr

Information zur Nachricht (bearbeiten)
improve : add a link to masonry skill ?
Nachricht im Original (Burg)
Burgen erhöhen den Verdienst der Bauern, sie ermöglichen den Handel mit Luxusgütern und schließlich bieten sie ihren Insassen Schutz bei Angriffen. Außerdem verringern sie die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass [[Special:MyLanguage/Pest|Pest]] auftritt. Burgen werden mit dem Befehl [[Special:MyLanguage/MACHE|MACHE BURG]] aus Steinen gebaut. Ab welcher Größe eine Burg in eine neue Kategorie aufsteigt, steht in der Tabelle weiter unten. Je größer die Burg, um so schwieriger ist sie zu erweitern. Um an einer Burg weiterzubauen, braucht man mindestens das angegebene Talent Burgenbau. Eine Einheit kann Gesamttalent / Mindesttalent Steine pro Runde verbauen; du kannst also mit einer hinreichend guten Einheit und genug Steinen problemlos in einer Woche einen Turm bauen.

Castles increase the peasants' income, enable trade luxury goods and, finally, offer their occupants protection in the event of an attack. They also reduce the likelihood of plagues. Castles are built from stone using the MAKE CASTLE command and the masonry skill. The size at which a castle enters a new category is shown in the table below. The larger the castle, the more difficult it is to expand it further. To continue building a castle, you need the masonry skill at the required level. Each week, the unit will extend the building by (total skill) / (skill level required) using the same amount of stones. You can easily build a tower in a week with a sufficiently large and skilled unit and enough stones.