Translations:Rohstoffe/4/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Iron, stone, laen, and, in particularly ancient regions, sometimes even adamantium, can be mined or quarried from mountains, glaciers, and sometimes other types of regions. Laen and adamantium require a mine and particularly high Mining skill. These resources can be difficult to extract. In your report you can find out by the number after the “/”. For example, if the report says "20 iron/4", this means that 20 irons with skill level 4 can still be min…“
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Iron, stone, laen, and, in particularly ancient regions, sometimes even adamantium, can be mined or quarried from mountains, glaciers, and sometimes other types of regions. Laen and adamantium require a mine and particularly high Mining skill. These resources can be difficult to extract. In your report you can find out by the number after the “/”. For example, if the report says "20 iron/4", this means that 20 irons with skill level 4 can still be mined. Once these have been extracted, miners will need to be level 5 to extract iron from the next layer (5). In general, the quantities that can be extracted increase with each new layer.
Iron, stone, laen, and, in particularly ancient regions, sometimes even adamantium, can be mined or quarried from mountains, glaciers, and sometimes other types of regions. Laen and adamantium require a mine and particularly high Mining skill. These resources can be difficult to extract. In your report you can find out by the number after the “/”. For example, if the report says "20 iron/4", this means that 20 irons with skill level 4 can still be mined. Once these have been extracted, miners will need to be level 5 to extract iron from the next layer (5). In general, the quantities that can be extracted increase with each new layer. Need mining ou quarrying.

Version vom 24. Februar 2024, 17:56 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Rohstoffe)
Eisen, Steine, Laen und in besonders alten Regionen gelegentlich sogar Adamantium, kann man im Gebirge, in Gletschern und manchmal auch in anderen Regionstypen gewinnen, wobei Laen und Adamantium ein Bergwerk und einen besonders hohen Talentwert Bergbau erfordert. Jeder dieser Rohstoffe kann in einer Region unterschiedlich schwer abbaubar sein. Dies ist im Report durch die Zahlenangabe nach dem Schrägstrich erkennbar. Steht im Report beispielsweise '20 Eisen/4', so bedeutet dieses, dass noch 20 Eisen mit der Talentstufe 4 abbaubar sind. Sind diese abgebaut, benötigen die Bergleute einen höheren Talentwert, um weiteres Eisen abzubauen. Im allgemeinen werden die abbaubaren Rohstoffmengen mit steigender Schwierigkeit des Abbaus größer.

Iron, stone, laen, and, in particularly ancient regions, sometimes even adamantium, can be mined or quarried from mountains, glaciers, and sometimes other types of regions. Laen and adamantium require a mine and particularly high Mining skill. These resources can be difficult to extract. In your report you can find out by the number after the “/”. For example, if the report says "20 iron/4", this means that 20 irons with skill level 4 can still be mined. Once these have been extracted, miners will need to be level 5 to extract iron from the next layer (5). In general, the quantities that can be extracted increase with each new layer. Need mining ou quarrying.