Translations:Reisen/9/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „The speed of travel can be enhanced by building roads. If all regions that are passed through have the appropiate road network, you can travel one region further. If, for example, a unit wants to walk two regions to the east, it needs to start in a region with a (completed) road towards the east. In addition, the middle region needs to have roads to the east and west, and the destination needs to have a road from the west - all of which must be completed,…“
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The speed of travel can be enhanced by building roads. If all regions that are passed through have the appropiate road network, you can travel one region further. If, for example, a unit wants to walk two regions to the east, it needs to start in a region with a (completed) road towards the east. In addition, the middle region needs to have roads to the east and west, and the destination needs to have a road from the west - all of which must be completed, too.
The speed of travel can be enhanced by building [[Special:MyLanguage/Straße|roads]]. If all regions that are passed through have the appropriate road network, you can travel one region further. If, for example, a unit wants to walk two regions to the east, it needs to start in a region with a (completed) road towards the east. In addition, the middle region needs to have roads to the east and west, and the destination needs to have a road to the west - all of which must be completed, too.

Aktuelle Version vom 7. März 2024, 14:20 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Reisen)
Durch den Bau von [[Special:MyLanguage/Straße|Straßen]] kann die Reisegeschwindigkeit um eine Region erhöht werden. Dabei müssen alle Regionen, durch die man reist, ein komplettes Straßennetz aufweisen. Will man also zu Fuß in einer Woche zwei Regionen weit nach Osten reisen, benötigt die Startregion eine vollständige Straße nach Osten, die mittlere Region je eine vollständige Straßen nach Osten und Westen und die Zielregion eine vollständige Straße nach Westen.

The speed of travel can be enhanced by building roads. If all regions that are passed through have the appropriate road network, you can travel one region further. If, for example, a unit wants to walk two regions to the east, it needs to start in a region with a (completed) road towards the east. In addition, the middle region needs to have roads to the east and west, and the destination needs to have a road to the west - all of which must be completed, too.